Together, we will one day see EVERY NEIGHBOR. WITH ENOUGH FOOD. EVERYDAY.

The Food Bank mobilizes food in partnership with community organizations, volunteers and local leaders, who are the hands and feet of the work we do.

We partner with over 225 nonprofit Members, such as soup kitchens, food pantries, senior centers, churches, and hunger relief organizations to provide local food assistance to our neighbors across our 15-county region. Our service region includes Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Franklin, Habersham, Hart, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, and White counties. Through our partnerships, we can address food insecurity on both an individual and large-scale basis and serve those seeking assistance through local means.

Members can access millions of pounds of food they might not otherwise have through our Food Bank. Members can receive bulk food either through our online ordering system for pickup or delivery, individually packaged items through our Sharing Floor, pick up donations from a local grocer or retailer through our Member Enablement program, or ordering a Mobile Pantry delivery.

The food that Members distribute is free of charge to all seeking food assistance. Members may provide food assistance through a variety of distribution formats, including a food pantry, a drive-thru distribution, hot meals services, emergency services, home-delivery and more. Any registered 501c3 may apply to become a Member of our network to access these benefits, serving the ill, needy, and/or infants. If you are looking to become a Member of the Food Bank, please visit our New Members page.

If you are looking for food assistance through a Food Bank Member in your county, please visit our Food Finder or call 211.

Just $2 dollars helps feed a family

For every $2 dollars the Food Bank receives, we are able to distribute 5 balanced meals. Support our mission & help feed our communities.

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